Gamification Aspects in Detail: Collectanea of Studies to Renew Traditional Education


Livia de Sousa Barreto
Isabela Nascimento Cavaco
Alanna Monteiro
Danielle Rousy
Carla Silva


This work’s objective is to present the results of a systematic mapping that explored gamification in education to find good practices and lessons learned. There were identified a set of positive and negative aspects and tools to be reused by who wishes to use gamification to motivate students and to verify the effects of this technique. The results indicated the best practices and showed that, despite being very recent, gamification has already gained attention in many countries. In addition, gamification is overall effective and well received in education, attempting to the importance of planning the gamification design, the dynamic between groups and the participation of the teacher in the motivation and engagement of students.


Biografia do Autor

Livia de Sousa Barreto, Universidade Federal da Paraiba

Estudante de Ciência da Computação pela UFPB, no Centro de Informática

Isabela Nascimento Cavaco, Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB)

Department of Informatics and student of Computer Science

Danielle Rousy, Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB)

Professor of Computer Science, Department of Informatics