Análisis de los parámetros de performance y escalabilidad para Clouds híbridos


Nelson Rubèn Rodrìguez
Francisca A. Valenzuela
Maria A. Murazzo
Susana B. Chávez
Adriana E. Martín
Daniela A. Villafañe
Facundo J. Gonzàlez


Cloud Computing is emerging as a model and business computing. After an initial apogee of the Public Cloud the companies have begun to assemble hybrid Cloud offering the benefits of public cloud, combined with the privacy of data they consider strategic managed on a Private Cloud. However the numerous advantages presented, have not made detailed studies of scalability and efficiency. Neither they have defined parameters for this type of solutions, which enable developers to propose the most convenient architecture, or configure the schedulers to improve the values of these parameters.


Biografia do Autor

Nelson Rubèn Rodrìguez, Universidad Nacional de San Juan

Departamento de Informàtica