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Nossa revista está passando por atualizações no sistema OJS e no momento não estamos recebendo novas submissões de artigos.
As avaliações podem apresentar oscilações no momento do upload. Por isso recomendamos aos revisores(as) aguardar ainda para postá-las.
Em breve, liberaremos novamente as submissões.
Agradecemos a compreensão!
Aiming at improving the quality of the published papers, REABTIC is providing a new guide for authors. It describes the whole review processes and manuscript requirements as well as instructs the authors regarding submission, publishing, and among other details.
We are happy to announce that all published paper have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Therefore, each paper has its one identifier binding to its metadata. The DOI for a paper remains fixed over the lifetime of the document, whereas its location and other metadata may change. A DOI provides more stable linking than simply using its URL, since the URL may change during the time ( for instance, the hosting and domain). When such change occurs, REABTIC only needs to update the metadata for the DOI to link to the new URL.