Confiança e Transitividade em Redes Sociais Acadêmicas: um estudo de caso utilizando o Currículo Lattes

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Diana Francisca Adamatti
Cristiano Castelfranchi


The interesting in social networks area can be explained mainly because this type of network: (i) promotes the interpersonal relationship; (ii) has a natural tendency for knowledge emergence; (iii) generates large volumes of information. In this context, the trust is an important aspect to be analysed, mainly in academic social networks, to improve the cooperation in research. Our proposal is to present a new metric to trust in academic social networks, basing in a cognitive approach. Our main idea is used this new metric to propose trust transitivity, where researchers can recommend new links each other. In this way, firstly we proposed model and a trust metric. Later, we conducted some experiments using real data from Lattes Curriculum.

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