PRONATEC: estudo de casos múltiplos sobre o desenvolvimento docente e a qualidade do programa

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Leandro Martins Dallanora
Giancarlo Bazarele Machado Bruno


The Federal Government Program PRONATEC, National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment, was created in 2011 with the objective of qualifying young people and adults so that they could be inserted or re-enter the job market. The purpose is to point this Article teacher development within this program, and the quality earned the same. For this, we made a multi-case study from documents such as diaries, lesson plans and work done in the classroom by teachers, in addition to the curricular analysis of teachers and the on-site observation of the process in two classes of the Computer Technician for Internet, when co-modality, the Instituto Federal Farroupilha–Campus Avançado Uruguaiana in the second half of 2014. As a result, it can be inferred that a large part of the problem in the program quality is due to the fact that the students based their interests by courses in compensation money, offered to students through a purse-training by its frequency in the classroom. And that despite the qualification of teachers and their professional experiences be favorable of PRONATEC, the number of graduating students tends to be below the desired minimum.

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