Marketing Digital e Redes Sociais: Um Estudo de Caso na Formação Continuada de Empreendedores Econômicos Solidários no Estado Piauí (Brazil)

Contenido principal del artículo

Marcio Morais
Markenio Brandão
José de L. Albuquerque


This research reflect on the use of social networks as a digital marketing tool for disseminating products of Enterprises Solidarity Economic of Piauí. Before the data analysis in this investigation, it was proposed to offer the Training Course for Entrepreneurs Economic Solidarity (EES) for the use of social networks and Web Interaction tools. In addition to this training course, there was the need for Solidarity Economy Fairs (ES), as well as the creation of Studies and Research in ES and production of teaching materials to meet the training courses for the EES.

Detalles del artículo
