at Contributions and Limitations on the Use of Augmented Reality Resources for Teaching Biology

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Lucas Gonçalves da Cunha
Felipe Becker Nunes, Dr.


Augmented Reality has been gaining space in the redesign of processes related to teaching and learning. Therefore, we decided to analyse the state of the art regarding the use of Augmented Reality for teaching biology through mobile devices. To this end, we carried out a documentary research based on the Systematic Literature Review methodology, which resulted in the analysis of 24 studies. As main results, we observed that carrying out research involving education and AR is linked to the availability of resources developed by third parties, such as applications and three-dimensional models, with the development of these models being one of the greatest limitations for the insertion of AR in education.

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Author Biography

Felipe Becker Nunes, Dr., Federal University of Santa Maria

PhD in Informatics in Education by the Graduate Program in Informatics in Education (PPGIE) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Master in Computer Science by the Graduate Program in Informatics (PPGI) at the Federal University (UFSM) of Santa Maria (2014). Bachelor in Information Systems at the Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA - Santa Maria) in 2012. Professor at Antonio Meneghetti Faculdade. Member as a researcher of the Group of Computer Networks and Applied Computing (GRECA) and of the Group of Learning Trajectories in Ubiquitous Hyperdocuments (TRAPHU). Has experience with Virtual Worlds, Pedagogical Agents, Virtual Learning Environments, Distance Education, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, Context and Context Quality, Learning Trajectories.