Análise de DomÃnio: Um Método para Geração Automática do Modelo de Features
Contenido principal del artículo
The Software Product Line - SPL are families of software products that share characteristics but which allows a variety of electronic devices to use them, even having no compatibility with each other. However, in these projects, one of the major problems identified is the failure of the process requirements. In SPL, the Domain Engineering is responsible for the requirements, and aims to carry out the activities to collect, organize and store past experience in the development of systems or parts of a specific domain system. So if there is a failure in one of these activities will cause a ripple effect on others, jeopardizing the construction of the final product. In this context, this article describes a method for generating the feature model automatically in Software Product Lines that minimizes the problems encountered in the propagation of errors from the Domain Engineering.
Detalles del artículo
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